Serif fonts meaning
Serif fonts meaning

serif fonts meaning

Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your options.


Now you can answer the question, “What are serif and sans serif?” but you may still be wondering how to choose the suitable typeface for your next project. On the other hand, when you choose a suitable typeface, your message will be more effective and easier to read. Choose the wrong typeface, and your project may not achieve its intended purpose. But in reality, typefaces make a big impact in conveying your message and capturing the attention of your target audience.

serif fonts meaning

When you’re writing a marketing pamphlet or creating a poster, the typeface you choose may seem of little importance. Let’s learn about the particularities of each one of them! See also: 20 Best Creative Custom Fonts PowerPoint Design Why do typefaces matter? The sans-serif fonts are classified into three or four groups (depending on if you split the last category into grotesque and neo-grotesque or not). They are also used in small texts, titles, captions… Almost everywhere! Today, these sans serif fonts are used in blogs and online articles in newspapers with large bodies of text because their legibility on-screen is excellent. They were seen as more modern and informal than the usual fonts with serifs that we still see in print and screens. They started being widely used during the 1920s Bauhaus movement. Sans serif fonts, then, are the ones that don’t have these ornamental lines in them. What are sans serif fonts? Most people who work with a computer are used to reading these names (serif, sans-serif, sans…) on their font list when editing a text document on a word processor or using image edition software to add some text to a photograph.īut for designers, knowing more than the font names are essential.

Serif fonts meaning